View tower
Utkikktårnprosjektet er lokalisert i skogene som omkranser Oslo, Marka, like ved Østmarkskapellet. Prosjektet er utviklet i forbindelse med den historiske Timianruta som var led mellom Norge og Sverige under andre verdenskrig. Like i nærheten ligger også Milorghula som var et viktig våpendepot for motstandsbevegelsen i Norge under krigen. Tårnet er utviklet for å gi utsikt til innsikt, om det å være underveis både i livet, og på tur i skogen. Tårnet skal bidra til å synliggjøre det store naturlandskapet og biomangforldet rundt Oslo. Det utvikles for å bli et attraktivt turmål som skal få flere, store som små, til å se sammenhenger i økosystemet norges hovedstad er plassert i.
The Viewing tower is located right beside a 50`s forest chapel in the huge forests “Marka” that surrounds Norway’s capital, Oslo. The project is developed in connection to the historical “Timian-route” wich was the Norwegian resistance route between Oslo and Sweden during the WWII. Also the Milorg-cave (hide out for the Norwegian WWII-resistance) is located not far from the project. The tower is meant to give an outwards view to insight, and a memory of being under way, either through life, ore as a refugee fleeing war and terror, or just at a Sunday trip in the forest. The tower is meant to visualize the awareness of the large natural landscapes, and the biological diversity of Marka, around Oslo. The project is meant to inspire more people, in all ages from all cultures, to take part and understand the ecological systems surrounding Norways capital.
The Viewing tower is located right beside a 50`s forest chapel in the huge forests “Marka” that surrounds Norway’s capital, Oslo. The project is developed in connection to the historical “Timian-route” wich was the Norwegian resistance route between Oslo and Sweden during the WWII. Also the Milorg-cave (hide out for the Norwegian WWII-resistance) is located not far from the project. The tower is meant to give an outwards view to insight, and a memory of being under way, either through life, ore as a refugee fleeing war and terror, or just at a Sunday trip in the forest. The tower is meant to visualize the awareness of the large natural landscapes, and the biological diversity of Marka, around Oslo. The project is meant to inspire more people, in all ages from all cultures, to take part and understand the ecological systems surrounding Norways capital.
Invitation (2020)
Ongoing project
Oslo, Norway
Foto - Espen Surnevik

Lokale svaberg


Brâncuși “endless column”

Skisse juli 2020![]()

Involverte involved
Byggherre - stiftelse
Arkitekt - Professor Espen Surnevik Arkitekt MNAL
Samarbeidende Ingeniør - Sivilingeniør Finn-Erik Nilsen AS
Timianruta - fluktrute til Sverige 1940-45

(+47) 986 21 856
sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
Ugleveien 7
0853 Oslo, Norway