City cottage
Kolonihagehuset er utviklet for en privat klient tilsluttet Rodeløkkens kolonihage i Oslo. Prosjektet er bygget utelukkende i tre og er både enkelt i form, stærrelse og konstruksjon. Bygget består av to frittspennende fagverksdragere i tre, som både er hyttens konstruksjon og fasade. Kolonihagehistorien går tilbake til tidlig 1900-tallet i Norge. Hyttene var laget for vanlige folk og ble bygget av rimelig bindingsverk og i miniatyr-størrelse. Det nye prosjektet er et svar på hvordan disse enkle bindingsverkshyttene, i liten skala, kan se ut i vår tid. På den måten har prosjektet et mål om å ta med seg trekkene til den spesielle kolonihagearkitekturen inn i enn ny tid.
The City cottage is developed for a private client which is a member of Rodeløkkens kolonihage in Oslo. The project is built in wood and is boot simple in its shape, size and structure. The building consists of two free-spanning truss girders, of wood, which boot represents the cottages bearing structure and facades. The history of the Colony-gardens (Kolonihager) goes back to the early 1900`s in Norway. The cabins where made for ordinary people and was built with affordable materials and miniature sizes. The new project is an answer to how this simple cabins can look like in our time. In that way the projects motivation is to bring on the characteristics of this special Colony-garden typology into a new time.
The City cottage is developed for a private client which is a member of Rodeløkkens kolonihage in Oslo. The project is built in wood and is boot simple in its shape, size and structure. The building consists of two free-spanning truss girders, of wood, which boot represents the cottages bearing structure and facades. The history of the Colony-gardens (Kolonihager) goes back to the early 1900`s in Norway. The cabins where made for ordinary people and was built with affordable materials and miniature sizes. The new project is an answer to how this simple cabins can look like in our time. In that way the projects motivation is to bring on the characteristics of this special Colony-garden typology into a new time.
Invitation (2017)
Ongoing project
Oslo, Norway
Illustrasjoner - Espen Surnevik
(+47) 986 21 856
sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
Ugleveien 7
0853 Oslo, Norway